Setting Broad Filters for Beginners

If you're just starting out, we recommend beginning with broader filters. Narrow filters might inadvertently conceal potential leads that could be beneficial for your business. It’s essential for new users to experiment and understand which settings align best with their sourcing goals. Remember, the key is to find the right balance that suits your business needs without missing out on lucrative opportunities.

Understanding Filter Criteria

ArbiSource filters operate on an 'ALL' criteria basis. This means that for a product to appear in your results, it must meet all the criteria you set. For instance, if you establish a minimum of $3 profit and 30% ROI as your criteria, only products that satisfy both these conditions will be shown. Products with a $10 profit and 25% ROI or $2.50 profit and 100% ROI will be filtered out. Therefore, setting each filter to the least restrictive criterion you're comfortable with ensures you don’t overlook valuable opportunities that could be hidden by too stringent filters.

Configuring Your Filters

Setting up your filters in ArbiSource is straightforward and can be done directly in your account settings. While account-level filters are automatically applied, customizing them to suit specific retailers or deal types can greatly enhance your sourcing flexibility. This customization allows you to adapt your strategies to different market conditions and opportunities.

Filter Options in Detail

Min-Max Filters: These filters cover a range of criteria, including profit, ROI, BSR, average profit, number of sellers, estimated sales, and product cost. You can also select a specific timeframe for average profit analysis, providing a more comprehensive view of potential earnings.

Match, Image, and Title Confidence: These settings help manage the balance between accuracy and opportunity discovery. Lowering the match confidence level can reveal less obvious leads that might otherwise be overlooked but may introduce more mismatches. What level you set this at will depend on the time you have available and should be reviewed for different retailers.

Exclusion Filters: Tailor your search results more precisely by excluding products based on various factors such as no Buy Box, missing BSR, oversize items, etc. This helps in focusing your efforts on products that meet your specific criteria.

EAN/UPC Only Matches: This strategy is particularly useful for uncovering products that match on barcodes but may have different images. It offers unique sourcing opportunities by revealing products that might not be immediately apparent.

By mastering the use of filters in ArbiSource, you can efficiently source products that align with your business model. Effective use of filters enables you to quickly adapt to market changes and improve your profitability. Remember, the key to successful online arbitrage is in understanding and leveraging the tools at your disposal to their fullest potential. Happy sourcing!

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