It's been a while since my last update, and there’s a good reason: I have been working on a brand new matching algorithm!

When I say brand new I mean it - Over the past few months I have re-built every aspect of the matching process to not only reduce the number of mismatches but also increase the number of matches found.

I am excited to say that the new algorithm has now been released!

How good is it?

25k non-barcode testing:

  • 96% accuracy (24 out of 25 matches were correct)
  • 56% less mismatches (compared to the previous algorithm at 70%+ match confidence).

25k barcode testing:

  • 98% accuracy (49 out of 50 matches were correct)
  • 84% less mismatches (compared to the previous algorithm at 70%+ match confidence).

Note: We've adjusted our confidence scores for barcode matches. Now, matches above 70% may be fewer but more reliable, significantly reducing mismatches. This also means there will be more less-obvious opportunities below 70%.

What now?

We have already re-compared all non-barcode stores for the UK and 90% for the US. We have increased the number of results found by 25%!

Over the coming weeks we will be recomparing all barcode stores - join the Discord server if you haven't already to see when your favourite store has been upgraded!

All wholesale scans and new custom scans will start using the new algorithm immediately.

What next?

This was a massive undertaking which means new features/stores were on the back-burner for a short period of time. We are getting straight back to it with new stores and features already in the pipeline! Expect a new update in the coming weeks.

Should I change my filters?

As always we recommend:

  • 70%+ for optimal sourcing
  • 60% if you have a higher tolerance to mismatches
  • <60% if you really want to find those hidden gems


If you do identify any stores that fall far below par and have been upgraded please let me know - we want to continue making improvements!